Nutrition and Hydration Week aims to show how, by making changes to eating and drinking habits, people can improve their quality of life.

Big Breakfast Monday – Importance of eating a healthy breakfast every day

Tuesday Treats – Use of snacking in between meals for gaining extra protein and calories

Wellbeing Wednesday – Global afternoon tea party and the use of little and often diets

Thirsty Thursday – Importance of hydration

Fruity Friday – Vitamins and minerals education

Monday 13th March –Big Breakfast Monday

A healthy breakfast has many uses:

  • Eating regular meals like breakfast can help us to recognise hunger and fullness
  • It provides nourishment and fuel to our bodies including vitamins, minerals and fibre
  • It gives us the energy to concentrate on the day ahead

Tuesday 14th March – Tuesday Treats

For people with a smaller appetite snacks can provide regular food to maintain a healthy weight. Aim for snacks containing protein to keep your muscles stronger, increase your immunity and recovery faster from illnesses and injuries.

Wednesday 15th March – Wellbeing Wednesday

For those with a smaller appetite it can be helpful to eat little and often so that your energy levels are maintained. You could try these ideas to increase your food intake:

Nourishing drinks

Used to increase calorie intake, opt for drinks such as smoothies, milkshakes, malted-milk drinks, fruit juice or hot chocolate. If using milk in any of your drinks, choose to use the full-fat version (blue top).

Eat little and often

Aim to have little meals every 2-3 hours with nourishing drinks instead of the typical 3 larger meals per day. It can seem less daunting than having to face large meals.

Food fortification

An ideal method to increase a foods calorie or protein content without increasing the amount needing to be consumed. You can add extra cheese into an omelette or skimmed milk powder into a drink, bowl of porridge or cereal. 

Thursday 16th March – Thirsty Thursday

  • Water plays a vital role in many of the body’s processes, including transporting nutrients in the blood, removing waste products in urine and lubricating joints and eyes.
  • Water also regulates the body’s temperature, you may find yourself feeling thirsty if the weather is warm or if you are in a hot, dry environment, such as an office.
  • If you do not drink enough you can become dehydrated, causing lack of concentration, tiredness, headaches and dizziness.

Friday 17th March – Fruity Friday

Guidelines recommend that eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day will provide the body with sufficient vitamins and minerals. Remember – a portion of fruit or veg is one handful (80g).

Consuming a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables can help to lower your risk of some health conditions, including:

  • Stroke
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • COPD
  • Obesity

Fruits and vegetables are high in fibre, helping to promote healthy bowels, preventing constipation and other digestive problems.


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