Leaving a legacy or a gift in your will to Teesside Hospice is one of the best ways to support local people living with a terminal illness, helping them live as well as possible for as long as possible.


This February, Teesside Hospice are taking part in Hospice UK’s National Hospice Legacy Campaign, to promote the importance of leaving a legacy to your local hospice.

Last year, legacies and gifts in wills helped us care for 69 people in our specialist In-Patient Unit. Funding remains a challenge for many hospices across the nation, but legacy income is an important and growing source of funding. Charities, especially hospices like us, have an enormous opportunity to attract a significant amount of this legacy income. 

Your gift to Teesside Hospice could help us fund:

  • Provide essential training to frontline hospice staff caring for people at the end of life.
  • Make sure those who are currently missing out can get hospice care by working with the government to ensure that hospice, palliative and end of life care stays high on their agenda.
  • Respond to a family in their time of need, helping them get the support, guidance and care they need.
  • Improve hospice care by giving hospice staff the resources and tools they need to better care for people.
  • Support carers in the community looking after people in their own homes at the end of their life.

Preparing a will is one of the most important steps you can take to protect the future of those you love. By putting your wishes in writing, you ensure that your family is cared for, your assets are distributed as you intend, and charities close to your heart are supported.

Because we care about you and your wishes, we invite you to consider leaving a legacy to us. At Teesside Hospice, it costs £6 million annually to run our services – that’s almost £17,000 every 24 hours. Last year, we received £897,100 in legacies, which equates to 14% of our income donated by people leaving a gift in their will.

No matter the size of your gift, it will have a vital impact on our work. Your legacy will enable us to continue to fight for hospice care in the UK, ensuring that people in Teesside can die with dignity, surrounded by the best care.

Hospice UK is building a ground-breaking national campaign to raise vital awareness of legacy giving for local hospices. 143 hospices joined the campaign in its first year, raising a campaign budget of £1,004,000.

The centrepiece of the campaign will be a powerful national TV ad. Due to air on the 17th February, it will inspire viewers to leave a gift in their will to their local hospice.

Nationally, 1 in 3 people are still dying without the care and support they need at the end of life. We need your help to do more for our community, ensuring everyone who reaches the end of their life in Teesside receives the best possible care and support.

Throughout February, we'll be sharing stories and information about the campaign and how you can get involved across social media channels. 

If you have any questions about leaving a gift to Teesside Hospice in your will, please contact us at 01642 811140. For more information about taking control of your legacy, please contact our team and receive your free legacy and wills guide or download our digital guide here.

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